Celtic Studies R1B: Celtic Voices: Transgression, Apocalypse, Outlaws
Session C (June 20-August 12, 2016)
MTuW 12-2pm
183 Dwinelle
Thomas Walsh
CCN: 16602
This course satisfies the second half or the “B” portion of the Reading and Composition requirement for the Bachelor’s Degree. Courses taken to fulfill this requirement must be taken for a letter grade.
The primary focus of this course is the improvement of your writing. Since R1B is an intensive college writing course, issues of development and style are presented at an advanced level. Further, students are to receive attention to their writing through detailed comments on their essays and through discussion in class and during office hours.
The basis for our writing is the voice of the outlaw in Irish literature of all periods. This course is still under development but I can say now that we will arrange our reading by literary genre lyric (satire, drama, narrative, etc.). We will certainly read Irish satire, dramas by Marina Carr and Seamus Heaney, prose satire by Jonathan Swift, prose by Martin Cadhain, as well as new and old lyric poetry. Our readings will be designed to provide material for about 25 pages of writing distributed over a series of essays. The students’ papers will be read closely for grammar, style, and argument.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the “A” portion of the Reading and Composition requirement or its equivalent. Students may not enroll nor attend R1B/R5B courses without completing this prerequisite.