
Undergraduate Major

Background image: images of books
The Celtic Studies program allows students to immerse themselves in the rich languages, literatures, histories, and cultures of Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and the whole of the Celtic world.
Eric Falci, Professor of English

The Celtic Studies Program is an undergraduate degree program housed by the Department of Scandinavian at the University of California, Berkeley. Its purpose is to bring together faculty and students with interests in the cultures, languages, literature, and history of the Celtic regions.

Faculty from the departments of English, Rhetoric, Linguistics, and History participate in teaching regular courses in Irish and Welsh language and literature (in all their historical phases), and in the history, mythology, and cultures of the Celtic world. Breton is also offered regularly, and Gaulish, Cornish, Manx, and Scots Gaelic are foreseen as occasional offerings, as are courses in the history and structure of the older Celtic languages. Students may complete an undergraduate major or minor in Celtic studies by fulfilling the requirements described below. The program has an innovative linkage of language and literature-in-translation courses intended to allow students maximum flexibility in pursuing their studies.

The Celtic Studies Program accepts entrants to its major from both freshmen and transfer students. Our major is not impacted and welcomes application from Celtic Studies enthusiasts.