PhD, University of Cambridge (Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic) 2017
Dissertation: “Studies in the Black Book of Carmarthen”
MPhil, University of Cambridge (Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic) 2012
BA, University of California, Berkeley (Celtic Studies) 2009
Medieval Welsh Language and Literature; Modern Welsh; The World of the Celts; Celtic Mythology and Oral Tradition; Medieval Celtic Culture; Modern Celtic Cultures; Reading and Composition
Research Interests
Medieval Welsh literature; paleography; codicology; Digital Humanities
(With Simon Rodway) “Bullo .i. bronnced?: Another Look at Two Obscure Words for Horse Tack in De Raris Fabulis”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 83 (2022), 49–63.
“Review of Buchedd Beuno: The Middle Welsh ‘Life’ of St Beuno”, Speculum 96/4 (2021), 1228–9.
(With Paul Russell) “Invisible Ink: The Recovery and Analysis of a Lost Text from the Black Book of Marmarthen (NLW Peniarth MS 1)”, National Library of Wales Journal 37 (2019), 74-94. Accessible online at:
“Review of The Four Branches of the Mabinogi”, Studia Celtica Fennica 15 (2018), 138–43.
“Ys Celuit ae Dehoglho: Interpreting a Dream?”, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 1(2017), 121–50.
(With R. Gallagher, J. Key, M. Ní Mhaonaigh, H. Oxenham, and S. Waidler) Mapping Conversion: A Database of Conversion Episodes in Medieval Insular Hagiography (2016, updated 2017),
“The Black Book of Carmarthen: Minding the Gaps”, National Library of Wales Journal 36 (2017), 357–410. Accessible online at:
(With Paul Russell) A Bibliography of Medieval Welsh Literature for Students, 4th ed., ASNC Guides, Texts and Studies (Cambridge, 2016).
“Review of Englynion y Beddau: The Stanzas of the Graves”, Speculum 91/1 (2016), 180–1.
“New light on an old manuscript”, The Letter 94 (2015), 70–2.
Introduction to the Cambridge Juvencus (MS Ff.4.42), University of Cambridge Digital Library,
(Co-editor, with E. Heans-Głogowska, J. Bolotina, et al.) Quaestio Insularis 15 (2014).